Club History
Manchester Lions Club​
The Manchester Lions Club was organized October 1, 1934, under the sponsorship of the Baltimore Host Club, and charted December 10, 1934, with 34 members. The Charter Presentation Program was held in the Manchester Reformed Church with Past District Governor Richard F. Simmons as the speaker. The Charter was presented by District Governor George Danby to Charter President C. V. Greifenstein.
Officers serving with President Greifenstein were Carroll G. Warehime, 1st Vice President; Harry L. Gettier, 2nd Vice President; Samuel W. Warner, 3rd Vice President; Gerald E. Richter, Secretary; H. T. Wentz, Treasurer; G. C. Mitten, Tail twister; Charles Dienst, Lion Tamer; John A. Dehoff, Directors Warren L. Divers, Harry R. Lippy, and Frank H. Miller.
In addition to the above officers, the charter membership included Edwin G. Alcorn, John B. Baker, G. Robert Brilhart, Ernest D. Brilhart, John H. Brown, Dr. W. R. S. Denner, J. Daniel Dienst, George R. Ensor, Guy L. Hanson, Charles W. Harsh, Rosswell Hoffacker, Rev. John S. Hollenbach, Hickman Myers, Rev. Ivan G. Naugle, Horatio Oursler, Charles E. Reck, Rev. L. H. Rehneyer, George E. Trump, Earl A. Warehime, Walter Wentz, and Jacob R. L. Wink.
The charter of this club was cancelled October 30, 1941.
Lineboro-Manchester Lions Club
​The Lineboro-Manchester Lions Club was organized August 2, 1945, under the sponsorship of the Westminster Club, and was chartered October 11, 1945, with 29 members. District Governor E. Leister Mobley of the Hagerstown Club presented the charter to President G. Robert Brilhart. The Charter Presentation Program was held in the Immanuel Lutheran Church included orchestral music by members of the Union Bridge Lions Club. Lion Charles E. Minnick of the Union Bridge Club presented a saxophone solo. Song leader for the meeting was Lion "Dick" Shilling of the Westminster Club.
Officers serving with President Brilhart were Clifton W. Warner, 1st Vice President; Jacob R. L. Wink, 2nd Vice President; Carroll G. Warehime, 3rd Vice President; Rev. Alton M. Leister, Secretary-Treasurer; Harry L. Gettier, Lion Tamer; Charles C. Mitten, Tail twister; Harry R. Lippy, Directors,Emory A. Berwager, Raymond F. Warner, and Rev. George H. Seiler.
Additional charter members were Ernest D. Brilhart, C. V. Greifenstein, Herbert E. Hetrick, Franklin L. Kopp, Frank H. Miller, Harold H. Nace, Malcom Oursler, Charles Reck, Dr. J. David Schaffer, Edgar E. Sellers, James E. Solt, Samuel W. Warner, Horatio T. Wentz, Leroy D. Wentz, Walter W. Wentz, Howard H. Wine, Rudolph Wink, and Milton A. Yingling.